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MAKITA AN610H HP coil nailer
Item no. 100194
EAN no. 0088381074261
Type High Pressure nailer
Size (L×W×H) 282 × 136 × 277 mm
Weight 1.9 kg
Length 32 - 65 mm
Diameter 2.1 - 2.5 mm
Angle 15°
Used for
Shuttering, Chipboard, Raftering, Fascia boards - wood, Eaves , Plywood, Outside siding, Eaves board

MAKITA AN610H HP coil nailer has been discontinued!

Guide for selecting compressor
This list is meant as a guide for selecting compressor. The guide is based on an output pressure of 7 bar on the compressor and a maximum of 50 shots per minute. If shots per minute or output pressure is higher, we recommend selecting a larger compressor.

TJEP 9/20 HP compressorTJEP 9/20 HP compressor
Item no. 123074
EAN no. 5702551230749

See the manuals online here:
iPaper Manual
iPaper Part list

Kyocera Unimerco Fastening A/S
2, Drejervej
7451 Sunds
Tel. +45 8987 8010

Did you know that TJEP has more than 10 GAS nailers?